"Waking up" 8x10 Female nude figure charcoal drawing

approx. 8 x 10 inches charcoal on Strathmore paper

Following the movement of the sun the body rises in the morning, the ritual is the same but the experience is new and different each time, new opportunity to leave things in the past and start anew, as the old year melts away the new one begins its cycle.



♥AMBre said...

I like this drawing a lot !

Sergio DS said...

Me gustan tus dibujos, con permiso me quedo en tu casa.

(...y Feliz Año)

Daniel Peci said...

Thanks guys!

Unknown said...

Genial, maravilloso el juego de sombras y luces!

Un saludo.

Daniel Peci said...

Gracias Veronica!


(so much for my spanish)