"Interior" 7x9 Female Portrait Charcoal Daily Drawing on paper

7" x 9" charcoal on Canson paper

I like when drawings suggest something, give certain clues or ideas, not necessarily explain the whole thing so its more open to interpretation, we don't perceive reality in the same way, anyways.


weekend et coup de brosse said...

Magnifique "fusain"

Arya Cullen said...

Very beautiful! :)

Daniel Peci said...

Hey thanks guys!

Rubin Pingk said...

Your drawings all very beautiful and stunning. Very good.

All seem introspective and feel like real moments.

Nice work.

Anonymous said...

is amazin how with so many simplicity you can capture this light and obtain so many realism... lovely

Unknown said...


Nancy Bea Miller said...

How beautiful!