"Undressing female nude in white" 6x8 Daily charcoal drawing by Daniel Peci

6 x 8 inches charcoal with white chalk on Canson paper
When I go through a wide range of tonalities like in this case, all the way from whitest whites to darkest darks, I choose a neutral paper tone, this way I have a middle value to begin with, then I establish the 'lowest' and the 'highest' key in the scale and start building from there, the interdependence of the values is one the most important things in a drawing or painting.

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En reconocimiento a tu labor he querido galardonar tu blog con el premio simbólico Sunshine Award. Es poco por la labor que ofreces, pero conlleva mucho afecto y admiración así como mucha gratitud. Te indico seguidamente sus reglas:
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